Friday, December 24, 2010

Christmas Party

My grandma's house had a Christmas party on the 20th December.
I was the first visitor!

Then grandpa and I waited for more visitors.
And more kids came along...
And the place started to fill up with more people
The party started with the carollers singing some Christmas Carols. See they were so shy that they all had to close their faces! Actually, they were performing some action songs.
Then it is our turn to sing some Chinese songs.

Then testimony time. There were about 4 testimonies but I don't understand at all. One even spoke in 'Hockchiew'.

Then we played some games. The first is pass the candle. Luckily I wasn't not forfeited.
Then it is makan time. Wow! lots of food but I only ate 'mee goreng'.

This little girl followed me into the house and eat.

Merry Christmas

Christmas socks?
Rambutans ( real ones) grow on my grandma's Christmas tree. Can you see me plucking it?

Hairy would like to wish everyone " A Blessed Christmas".

My Ah Kiew spent the whole afternoon decorating this Christmas Tree. He also went and buy the lights. This is a real Christmas tree you know.

Thursday, December 23, 2010


My Grandma has a new pet.
It's name is Blessie.
looks fierce but it is actually a scaredy cat.

Zozo and me trying to sayang Blessie but it always run away.

Luckily I manage to sayang Blessie but after that I must quickly go and wash my hands else my daddy would be furious.

When it is time for bath, my grandpa will catch Blessie and my grandma would apply shampoo on its fur. Blessie is scared of cold water.
After finished bathing , Blessie would shake his body to dry itself. I like to stand near it to feel the water splashing all over me but Mom would be furious!!!
Zozo and me really like Blessie. It always leave the house for a while and come back later. At one time we tried to follow her but 'hilang dalam pandangan' ! Zozo was so worried that he almost cried!!!

Bye-bye Blessie, see you during Chinese New Year!

Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Christmas Train at PJ Hilton

Last night we went to PJ Hilton to see their train display. Actually we go there every year. This year they put up a lot of 'gingerbread' house instead.............

There were only 3 trains this year. Previously there were about 7 trains.
This is in front of the "Paya Lebar" restaurant. The use polystyrene to make the snow.

More pictures here......

And finally I would like to wish everyone " Merry Christmas" since I am going back to my kampong soon.

Monday, December 13, 2010

Bye-Bye Kakak

Last Saturday, we sent our Kakak back to Indonesia. We left the house at 6:15 am and arrived the Airport at 7:10 am.

When we were there we saw long queues on all the check in counter. Dad tried to use the 'self check in ' machine but it didn't work. So we were a little kelam kabut.

That's my kakak giving her passport to dad. Can you see me sitting on the floor. I was trying to take my camera out....but it fell on to the floor...and I kena marah seperti biasa.

That's kakak about to board the plane. Everthing happen so fast, we have no time to cry!!!
After that, I went to take pictures with the snowman.

And also with the Santa Clausa and reindeers.

After kakak's plane left, we went to KFC to have breakfast.
We also played at the aeroplane.

On the way back home, I feel so sad thinking about kakak going home. I won't be able to see her again or play with her again!!! Terima kasih kakak kerana banyak menolong saya!!!

Wednesday, December 8, 2010

Race Car

This morning, we went to the Tennis Court above the car park to play our racing cars
On your mark, get set , go.....

Wooosh! Far away from Zozo!
''What secret technic did Zozo use?''
"Zozo" tried to cheat! So mom said 'Foul'.
So, we have to restart the race.
The race was so 'sengit' was such a close fight.
I cannot lose!
And then I use " Dragon Weginton" technique and zoomed far ahead from Zozo. Zozo's car went out of range.

And the winner is " Meeeeeeee.......!!! Hairy".
And the 'prize' is says " Now go back and read your storybooks"
Me : "belajar, belajar, belajar.....tak pandai pun!"

Monday, December 6, 2010

Seperti Biasa

Hari ini saya bangun seperti biasa,
Gosok gigi, cuci muka seperti biasa,
Makan dan minum seperti biasa,
Berak, kencing dan kentut seperti biasa
Main seperti biasa
Nakal seperti biasa
Gaduh dengan Zozo seperti biasa
Dan Kena Marah seperti biasa!!!!
Senyum seperti biasa!

Saturday, December 4, 2010

Melawat ke Mid Valley

Hari ini saya pergi ke MidValley. Selepas sarapan pagi, saya dan Zozo tergesa-gesa lari ke kereta ayah. Selepas itu kami bergegas ke MidValley untuk mengelakkan kesesakan jalan raya.

Sampai di MidValley, ayah mencari tempat untuk letak kereta. Oleh kerana kami selalu lupa di mana kereta ayah di 'park', kami mengambil gambar tempat kereta kami.
Mula-mula kami pergi main kereta mainan.
Cantik tak kereta -kereta ini? Besar and selesanya.......

Selepas itu, kami mengambil lebih gambar. Saya bersusah-payah bersenyum, tetapi emak lupa pulak untuk menggunakan 'flash' kamera.....
Saya mengambil gambar dengan beruang gergasi.
Lagi gambar beruang gergasi.....
Kami pergi membeli-belah. Terdapat berbagai benda yang cantik di sini. Tetapi, saya tak ada duit....emak yang kedekut tak akan beli untuk sayalah.
Kami juga singgah di kedai buku MPH. Saya berasa sungguh gembira kerana terjumpa buku "Adam Kecil" yang sudah lama saya inginkan.
Saya and Zozo membaca buku cerita di sini. Nasib baik, punggung kami kecil dapat berkongsi satu kerusi.

Kami juga pergi ke 'Big Boys Toys"...tempat kegemaran Zozo. Wah...banyaknya lego-lego yang hebat.
Orang lego is lebih besar dari saya!!!

Selepas itu, kami pergi the Gardens untuk makan tengahari. Alamak! makan sampai muka macam badut!
Setelah kenyang kami pun balik ke Jusco untuk bermain 'game'. Game pertama kami ialah 'Magic Mushroom'. Zozo menang 5 - 2.

Kami juga main boling. 190 ialah markahku.Saya masuk 'high score'.
Zozo kalah dengan ku.Dia mendapat 120 markah.Yipee!
Sebelum balik, kami mengambil gambar lagi.

Ini nampaknya macam 'cup cake'.Tetapi sebenarnya ialah
sebuah 'ferris wheel'.

Sekian terima kasih.