Saturday, July 3, 2010

Final fight(2)

P.Kip said:"So,you are coursing nonsense with your dinosaur!'
Birabesta said:"I am not coursing nonsense with my dinosaur but you are troubling me from gambling!"
"You dare to gamble?"said P.Kip
I got this picture from google only.
If you do not believe,just check.
type gambling images and see!
Let us continue our story.

P.Kip said:"You crazy fat head man!
Do you think you yourself is mad?"
Birabesta said:"I will not care about you chickhead.!.!"
I will also think Birabesta is mad,because he only wants money,gold and charms.
So P.Kip was angry.
P.Kip was so smart.
He knew who was wrong and who was right.
Birabesta also loves to fight and sell drugs.
P.Kip always frevent but he continue,continue and continue..............

To be continued.................................................................

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