Sunday, November 28, 2010

I'm back

Finally, I'm back from the camp. The theme for our camp is "On Fire For Jesus".

That's my bus. Can you see me? Blocked my the blue shirt uncle.
The others were helping to unload the luggages from the bus.

Me and Zozo waiting for dad's car.

Hey...Zozo...wait for me.
I've great fun in the camp. I played pillow fight and hide and seek in the dorm with my friends. One of us will 'jaga pintu', to alert others once we see our teachers.
I am glad I am able to eat the food mum, " I didn't starve to death!!!"

Anyway, despite all the fun, I've some issues in the camp.
  1. In the bus, they gave us a vomit bag, it stinks.
  2. At the camp, we had to start from the kitchen.
  3. The dorm is dirty.
  4. They talk until so late at night. For the 1st and 2nd days, instead of sleeping at 10:30 pm, we slept at 11:00 pm.
  5. My scissors is missing .... ( Mom is going to be furious!!!!)
  6. Had to wake up at 6:00 am for morning was soooo....cold...brrrr...brrr
  7. No campfire because it rained. Just sang one song and the campfire ended.
  8. They say the Rhema hall is 1st class but to me, it was 3rd class.
  9. My dorm mates kept using torch light to play hide and seek...I can't sleep.
  10. Mom gave me a dirty got 'nose tahi' on it!!!!
  11. My toothbrush bag is broken ( Mom is going to be more furious!!!!)
  12. I wet my shirt while getting water at the Manna hall so I've to change my clothes 'mafan'.
  13. Somebody from the 10 years old groups said #@!$@!%&!
  14. Uncle Ho asked " Who is the best man". Someone answered " Superman"
  15. The other kids were so noisy during our morning watch....I better go back to sleep.
  16. My dorm mates ate cup noodles in the dorm. They also used their "Milo cups' and eat their noodles in the dorm. They ate 10 cups, I am going to pengsan.
  17. The shower water is either too hot or too I've to mandi kerbau.
The End

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