Sunday, November 20, 2011

HF Friends

Last Friday, we had home fellowship in our house. I was so happy because I had the opportunity to play with my 'gila-gila' friends. We made so much noise that my mom thought there was a war going on in the room.

See....we were climbing , laughing and monkeying all over the place. Our meeting ended at 12am.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Tonight's Dinner

What did you have for dinner tonight?
My dinner consists of ladies fingers.......
'ku lo yok' my favourite
and ayam bakar....Zozo's favourite

After that , desert is served!
Fish mummy made these and she made us eat them too.....poor fishes!!!!
Thanks mom....your cooking is getting better everyday....

Tuesday, April 5, 2011

Super Cousin

My cousin brother is so hebat! He just got 11As for his SPM. My mom says everytime we go back hometown, he is either watching TV or sleeping. When we go to his house in KL, he's always eating or playing or termenung! He always look so serious to me!

And now he got 11As....we are all so proud of him.

That's my super smart cousin.... see look serious right?

Always eating....
Always watching tv.....
And always playing.......ha! ha!

Congratulations Galvin kor-kor...may you continue to excel in all that you do.....
Now...."can I borrow your brains?"

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Melaka 2011

We went to Melaka on March 16-17. We stayed at Hotel Equatorial. The room was big and nice. Zozo has his own little corner where he slept by himself.

Me , mom and dad shared this king sized bed.
First thing we did after checking in is to go to Jonker Walk.

Then we queued up for 30 minutes to go into this shop. Guess what shop is this?
The famous Chicken Rice Ball shop. We waited for another 20 minutes for our food to arrive.
The chicken rice ball is so yummy. This is my first time eating chicken rice ball.
Then we went jalan-jalan at Jonker Walk....look at all these 'junk food'. We also bought 'rubber band guns'.

The next morning we visited the Taming Sari tower but we have no time to take a ride in it because dad chose "The Duck Tour".

I guess this revolving tower is how tall?
This special 'Duck bus' was imported from US. It took us on land and also into the sea.
That's us in the duck bus. The tour guide explained so many things but I didn't listen at all. I was enjoying the view outside. I like it when the bus went into the sea....felt like we were in a ferry. There are only 2 'duck bus' in Melaka.
We also visited the museum.
This one shaped like a huge ship.
Some of the things I saw in the ship.
We make friend with 'Hang Tuah' also!!!
We also jalan-jalan at A Famosa. Me and Zozo pretending to handle to Cannon.

Also saw this old fashioned train.
Our time in Melaka was so short...I really enjoyed this trip.